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It is presentation graphics software for producing slide shows that can include text, graphics, video, animations, sounds effects, etc. PowerPoint is a presentation graphics package which is used to prepare a presentation consisting of slides .The output of slides is a slide show which can be launched on a web, presented on a board, on a computer or on pages. PowerPoint offers word processing outlining, drawing, graphing, and presentation management tools- all designed to be easy to use and learn. Today it is widely used in almost every field of life from class room to business office, one may use it as a tool to express his views and ideas and make one self clear in an effective manner. PowerPoint was initially made for Macintosh computers in 1984. After in 1987 it was made a part of Microsoft office by Microsoft office manufacturers. Till yet Microsoft had launched its four versions
• Microsoft office power point 2000.
• Microsoft office power point 2002.
• Microsoft office power point 2003.
• Microsoft office power point 2007.
The most used today out of these mentioned is Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 due to its additional and advanced features. It is proprietary and commercial software.
Our main objective to choose this project was to make ourselves familiar with introductory commands and features of PowerPoint and to make ourselves to use this in making presentations. Further we like to understand how to:
• Understand basics of Microsoft PowerPoint.
• Make a simple presentation.
• Creating a simple table.
• Inserting clip arts and pictures in slides.
• Use animation in slides.
• Using different backgrounds.
• Personalize our slides.
• Manipulate the slide master.
• Save a presentation.
• Open and edit an already saved presentation.
• Print a presentation.
• Use different shortcuts.
• Display a slideshow.
In today’s life it is very important for everyone, particularly for any student, to make him familiar with the techniques of presentation and in the days PowerPoint is considered as most effective in making presentations. In these days for an Electrical Engineering student it is particularly important because in most of institutions it is demanded by the students to express and clarify their works and research in front of others. Most of teachers also expect of students that they would give better presentation and it is very useful for a student if he had good knowledge of using PowerPoint tools to prepare a good presentation. This is very important if you are an Electrical Engineering student, because mostly they have to present their work in front of all class and no credit is given to one who could not present him effectually all the projects have to be presented and grades are given accordingly. So to get good grades and do well in projects and give future presentation in effective professional environment and to make good progress it is necessary that you had sound PowerPoint knowledge.
According to results of our search we obtained following results.
Basics of PowerPoint:
Followings are the basics of PowerPoint.
Microsoft office button:
The button at upper left corner is the called as office button. In the previous various the same features were provided by file option located at the same position where there is office button now. It provide various options such as creating a new slide, opening an already existing file, saving and saving file as, print slide, sending a file and closing a file, customizing, etc.
(Office button)
Ribbon is a row of generally seven tabs located at the top which are used often by the users .Each tab is further divided into different groups which can be viewed by clicking on each tab.
• Home: Clipboard, Slides, Font, Paragraph, Drawing, and Editing
• Insert: Tables, Illustrations, Links, Text, and Media Clips
• Design: Page Setup, Themes, Background
• Animations: Preview, Animations, Transition to this Slide
• Slide Show: Start Slide Show, Set Up, Monitors
• Review: Proofing, Comments, Protect
• View: Presentation Views, Show/Hide, Zoom, Window, Macros
Quick Access Toolbar:
The quick access toolbar lies above the ribbon normally but it can also be placed below the ribbon for the ease of user. It contains certain specific options but it is also customizable.
Mini tool bar:
Mini access toolbar is a floating toolbar which is a new feature in office 2007. It appears when we chose or select some text. It contains options like font size, font, text color, under lining, making text bold and bullets etc.
Navigation Toolbar:
Navigation menu is at the left side of the screen using which we can navigate though different slides.
(Navigation toolbar)
Making a Simple Presentation:
A simple presentation can be made using different type of slides designs given in home tab group and different designs slides can be viewed by clicking on the arrow given below the new slide option in the home tab.
Further a new slide can be selected by again repeating same pattern. And after completing the preparation of presentation it could be save in any required place and can be viewed any time. To delete a slide click on edit menu and then choose the option delete slide.
Creating a Simple Table: If you want to create a table in the presentation then you can use the table option in insert tab. You can perform following operations in creating a table.
• You can make use of different slide outlooks to show different details about the tables like headings and links etc.
• Put the number of rows and columns in the option as many as you are required in the text boxes named number of columns and the number of rows when you open the insert table option. You can make table of limited number of rows and columns by just selecting the no of rows and columns in the given table like one below in insert table option.
(Insert table)
• You can also manually create the tables.
• You can insert different objects with text format the cells differently and apply different affects on the background of the cells and on the whole table background.
• Alignment setting can be used to properly place the data inside each cell.
Inserting Picture and Clip Art:
A picture or a clip art could be simply added by just clicking at the insert tab in the ribbon and selecting the picture or the clip art options as desired and specifying the location of the file (picture or clipart).
(Inserting Clip art) (Inserting Pictures)
Different slide effects:
Using different slide effects we can perform different operations such as:
Transition effects:
Transition effects are those effects which appear when slide show is on. These can be added by clicking on the animation tab and then transition effect menu and then choosing the wanted effect. Different effects such as voice affects image appearance effects can be added through this option.
Animations are special effects which are applied to the text or any picture in the slide. Animation can be added by selecting a text or any other item on the slide, then selecting the animation tab and then adding the desired animation. The preview of these animations can then be viewed by clicking the animation preview tab. Further you can select tat whether the animation would be displayed n it’s on or by clicking mouse button.
Set up Slide show:
This option allows you to set up that how slide show that either it would be from beginning or, from the slide under use or you would like to set up slide show. In set up slide show you it allows you to set up that how slideshow will run either a presenter would run it or it would run automatically.
Hide the Slides:
You can hide certain slide while giving the presentation and present them if you are asked to present some information or if you want at the time of presentation. The slides can be hidden easily by selecting the slides tab hidden and then using the “hide slide” option in the slide show tab and the slides can be viewed in the slide show by pressing the “H” button on the keyboard.
Record Narrations:
By using this option you can record the sound or create it on your choice. You can fix the resolution and the narration controls using these options.
Rehearse Timings:
It allows you to rehearse that how will you speak and forward the slides and manage the timing of your presentation and decide whether you like t follow the timings or retry some others. It could be accessed by clicking the slide show optional tab.
Printing a document:
There are many ways in which one can like to print a document.
Slides : These are used for producing one print per page.
Handouts : These can be used to produce 2 to 10 slides per page.
Outline view: It will be used to prepare outlines of pages.
Printing can be done in PowerPoint 2007 by clicking the office button and clicking on the print option in the menu while in PowerPoint 2003 you could obtain that by clicking on the file menu button. Also a preview of document can be obtained before obtaining print. Prints could be obtained in any color but mostly used are black and white. Its shortcut is Ctrl+P.
(Page printing)
Different frames can also be added to the print.
Saving a file:
There are many ways to save a file. You can either save it on the computer in some specific folder or you can save it on internet or transfer to some other computer using specifics format. The other computer on which you are transferring the file should also have power point installed in it. You can save file in PowerPoint 2007 easily by clicking on the office button and then using save or save as options. While in previous versions we chose file menu button. Its shortcut is Ctrl+S.
Using find and Replace:
To make editing easier, you can use find and replace feature to both find text in a presentation and replace it with an other text as directed. To find a text in the presentation write the text you want to locate and then press “Find”. To replace the text in the presentation again write the text and press “Replace”. Its shortcut is Ctrl+H.
(Find and replace option)
Slide Master:
It allows you to format in one place which would change format in every slide of the presentation. It could be useful in the following sense that
• Changing font through master format can change the font and font style in every slide.
• Bullets could be added to all if desired.
• You can change the backgrounds of each file
• Can apply similar frame to all slides.
It could be accessed by using the view tab on the ribbon selecting the side master and then master layout options.
Different backgrounds:
Different back grounds can be selected using the design key on the ribbon. The color and the font of the background can also be changed by using font and color options on the design menu and different colors combinations can also be used to obtain more colors in back ground.
(Different layouts)
Open and edit a file:
It is very simple to open and edit a file. just click on to the office button and choose edit file option or just go to the file location and open it and then edit it an then save the file after modification. After saving this file it would remain as it is and could be accessed any time. Its shortcut is Ctrl+O.
Editing from some other application:
We can edit or add through some other application like we can add a file into power point from Microsoft word and either from excel in a simple way. For this we have to open all the files from which and in which we are editing and then right clicking on empty space on the task bar and selecting the option show windows vertically and then we can simply copy file from one application and pasting it in the other file in which we are editing.
(Open windows vertically view)
Shortcut keys:
Different shortcut keys which could be used to do the work by pressing a few buttons could save time and working to go into long menus etc. Followings are some shortcut keys:
• F1 = Display help or Office assistance
• F2 = Select the text box (with text or an object selected inside the text box) or select the text within a text box (with the text box selected)
• F4 = Repeat the last action
• F5 = Carry out slideshow command
• F6 = Move to next pane
• F7 = Carry out spelling command
• F10 = Activate the menu bar
• F12 = Carry out save as command
• Ctrl+N = Create the new presentations
• Ctrl+C = Copy
• Ctrl+X = Cut
• Ctrl+A = Select all
• Cntrl+B = Bold
• Ctrl+U = Underline
• Ctrl+Z = Undo
• Slideshow shortcuts can be viewed by pressing F1 in the slideshow.etc
Some productivity tips:
• Keep it simple
• Limit bullet points & text
• Limit transitions & animations
• Use high quality graphics
• Have a visual theme
• Use appropriate charts
• Use contrasting colors
• Use fonts well
• Spend the slide shorter
Applications of PowerPoint:
In present age PowerPoint finds its applications in every field and can be used as an effective way of conveying massage and making you message clear and massage understood in relatively lower time. It is in use many fields of life some are mentioned below.
Class Rooms: In class it can be used to deliver lecture by teachers. It is today perhaps the most important and most frequently used multimedia tool used in class room to give lectures and it save teachers time and make it easy for students to understand.
Business Presentations: PowerPoint has found its use in business in professional business environment businessmen can use Power Point to give their presentations. Today most of business professionals use PowerPoint to communicate. It is considered a disaster not to have good presentation information.
Seminars: It may be used in seminars so that audience may visualize as well as understand the seminars purpose and we can develop their interest in seminars using effective techniques of Power Point such as
Hospitals: In hospitals power point spread sheet can be used to describe the duty of the doctors and their timings.
Projects presentations: Every person can use it in delivering and presenting his project effectively no matter what is his field and what is his topic. You don't have to create your own images. There are millions of images on the Web that are in public domain or that you can use under fair use policies.
Online conferences: In the on line conferences the PowerPoint can be use to make it effective e.g. you have a site on which you answer different queries of the people and it is better to use power point to answer the queries making use of slides pictures and animations etc.
On internet PowerPoint can be used by different companies to advertise their products.
Institutions: Different intuitions can make it easy for the people easy to know about their intuition by giving their prospects on net through PowerPoint.
For medical students: For students it is easy to get slides of different topics and understand them easily in lesser time then to read many pages to understand a topic. Especially for medical students who cannot always operate on a real body they. For them power point is really a blessing that provide them all the pictures and they can understand the working of body structure. With microscopic vision, students would see the calcium, carbon, and three oxygen atoms and just tell you what this using PowerPoint it is possible is.
From all the research and keeping in view its above mentioned applications and the knowledge we can suggest that it is very important to have good presentation skills to be successful in the present age. PowerPoint can be helpful to us in this regard PowerPoint supports a variety of animation techniques. It uses pictures, sounds, animations and movies to make things easier to understand. We can say that it is completion of the human thoughts in real world which could be used to give an absolute impressions presentation by covering your weaknesses. We learnt from this project some more about power point its importance and its uses. In learning we under stood and learnt how to make an effective presentation utilizing various PowerPoint features. We also learn some important tips about PowerPoint and the presentation. And most of the objectives we set for us were accomplished.